Clipper History |
Notable Events
The Sikorsky S-42 was introduced in August (only 3 months after the DC-2's inaugural). |
 First Freeways: The Autobahn in Germany
 Drive-in movie theatre opens in New Jersey
 Half of the homes in the U.S. have radios
 Austrian Chancellor assassinated by Nazis
 Bonnie and Clyde killed in police ambush
 Severe drought turn Great Plains into Dust Bowl (to 1936)
 Box Office draws: Will Rogers, Clark Gable, Janet Gaynor
First Martin M-130 delivered on September 9th. Pan Am inaugurates trans-Pacific airmail service from November 22 to 29 with the Martin M-130 China Clipper. The 8,210-mile flight was made in 59 hours and 48 minutes of actual flying time.
 China Clipper over Macau |
 Douglas Aircraft unveils the new DC-3 with a flight range of 1500 miles - the longest of any commercial airliner.
 Radar device built by Robert Watson Watt
 Eastman-Kodak introduces KODACHROME Film, becoming the first commercially successful amateur color film
 Edwin Armstrong demonstrates FM radio
 Hoover Dam completed
 First night baseball game played in Cincinnati, Ohio
 FDR signs U.S. Social Security Act
 Persia changes name to Iran
 John Steinbeck: Tortilla Flat
 George Gershwin's musical Porgy and Bess opens
 Box Office draws: Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Will Rogers
The M-130 Hawaii Clipper initiated the first trans-Pacific passenger service on October 21. The San Francisco-Manila airfare was $799.00 (over $10,000 today) one-way. |
 BBC inaugurates television service
 Top U.S. tax rate raised to 79%
 Prince Albert becomes King George VI of Britain
 Spanish Civil War Begins (to March 1939)
 Henry Luce begins publication of LIFE magazine
 Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind is published
 Film:Modern Times starring Charlie Chaplin
 Box Office draws: Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Will Rogers
 1937 |
 Focke builds Helicopter
 Golden Gate Bridge opens
 Amelia Earhart disappears over South Pacific
 Hindenburg airship disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey
 Chamberlain becomes British Prime Minister
 Film: La Grand Illusion
 Disney's first full-length cartoon: Snow White
 LOOK magazine begins publication
 Box Office draws: Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Will Rogers
 1938 |

 Ball point pen invented by two brother named Biro from Hungary
 Hitler annexes Austria
 Hungary annexes southern Slovakia
 Music: Benny Goodman brings new style to jazz music
 Radio drama, War of the Worlds, narrated by Orson Wells, causes national panic
 Art: Guernica by Picasso
 Box Office draws: Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Will Rogers
Boeing delivers the first two B-314's on January 27th First scheduled trans-Atlantic airline passenger service began on June 28th on board the Dixie Clipper. Airfare was $375 (over $4000 today) one-way or $675 ($8000 today) round-trip. Air Mail service across the Atlantic began on May 20th (Yankee Clipper) |

 Using a cyclotron, John Dunning splits an atom in his lab at Columbia University, suggesting that nuclear fission is possible
 Regular TV broadcasts begin
 New York World's Fair shows television to public
 The Depression is ending worldwide as nations prepare for the coming hostilities
 German troops invade Poland on September 1
 Britain and France declare war on Germany — World War II begins
 John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath published
 Films: Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, The Roaring Twenties
British Purchasing Commission bought 2 of Pan Am's B-314's for the War effort. |

 CBS demonstrates color Television
 Fantasia introduces stereo sound to the American public
 Winston Churchill becomes prime minister of Britain
 FDR re-elected for an unprecedented third term
 Battle of Britain
 Ernest Hemingway: For Whom the Bell Tolls
 Film: Grapes of Wrath, The Great Dictator
 Bugs Bunny is seen for the first time
 1941 |

 CBS and NBC start commercial transmission
 Aerosol spray can is introduced
 Mount Rushmore Memorial completed in South Dakota
 Joe DiMaggio hits 56 games in a row
 Japanese bomb the Japanese attack the main American naval base in the Pacific at Pearl Harbor
 The United States declares war on the Japanese and enters WWII; Japanese take Guam, Hong Kong, Wake and the Philippines
 Films: Citizen Kane with Orson Wells; The Maltese Falcon with Humphrey Bogart; Dumbo
 William L. Shirer's Berlin Diary is released
The B314 Berwick flies Winston Churchill from a meeting with Roosevelt. Churchill even tried his hand at piloting the aircraft. |

 Atanasoff, Berry build the first electronic digital computer
 Magnetic recording tape is invented
 Atomic research: Manhattan Project begins; First self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction achieved
 Sugar and gas rationing begins in the U.S. (One pound of sugar every two weeks and 25 to 30 gallons of gas per month per motorist.)
 Final Solution: At a secret conference in Berlin, top Nazi leaders decide on a policy to liquidate all European Jews
 Film: Casablanca with Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart; Road to Morocco with Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, and Bing Crosby; Bambi
Franklin Roosevelt flies to the Conference in Casablanca in January on board the B314 Dixie Clipper.
 President Roosevelt celebrated his 61st birthday aboard the Dixie Clipper on the return flight from the secret meeting at Casablanca. |
 Betty Smith's A Tree Grows In Brooklyn is published
 Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical Oklahoma opens
 1944 |
 NBC presents the first U.S. network newscast
 First jet airplanes operational (Me 262)
 D-Day: American-led Allies storm the beaches of Normandy and sweep through Europe, liberating Paris.
 W. Sommerset Maugham's The Razor's Edge
 1945 |
 FDR dies at Warm Springs Georgia from a cerebral hemorrhage. Vice President Harry Truman is sworn in as America's 33rd President.
 The top U.S. tax rate is now 91%. It will drop no lower than 88% until when in 1963, it is lowered to 70%.
 United Nations is established at conference in San Francisco
 VE-Day: Victory in Europe on May 7
 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in an effort to bring an end to the Pacific War. Japanese surrender 5 days later.
 George Orwell's Animal Farm is published
 Tennessee Williams' play The Glass Menagerie is performed
 1946 |

 Jukeboxes go into mass production
 J. Mauchly and J. Eckert build ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer), the first fully electronic computer
 Benjamin Spock offers American parents advice in his very influential book Baby and Child Care
 Albania, Hungary, Transjordan and Bulgaria become independent states
 Nuremberg Tribunal: 13 Nazis are convicted of crimes against humanity
 Cold War Declared: Winston Churchill, speaking in Fulton, Missouri, warns of communist expansion and the formation of an iron curtain dividing Europe
 Film: Frank Capra produces the feel-good movie of a generation, It's a Wonderful Life